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textio.c File Reference

String I/O type stuff. More...

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void setPenRow (char row) __naked __z88dk_fastcall __preserves_regs(bc
 set the row that is currently selectd
void hexdump (char v) __naked
 print the hex of a char to the screen
void doubleHexdump (int v) __naked __z88dk_fastcall
 Prints a 16-bit int to the screen.


void de

Detailed Description

String I/O type stuff.

This is for printing c strings, it is not fast, but shouldn't be too large. Feel free not to use it if you need more space, although don't expect to use any other io type stuff

Optional #defines

  • USE_NUMBER - enables number()
  • USE_HEXDUMP - enables hexdump()

Function Documentation

◆ doubleHexdump()

void doubleHexdump ( int v)

Prints a 16-bit int to the screen.

[v]Int to be printed

Basicly just calls hexdump() twice.

◆ hexdump()

void hexdump ( char v)

print the hex of a char to the screen

[v]Char to be printed This function is great for debuging but not so good for games. Should be quite fast.

◆ setPenRow()

void setPenRow ( char row)

set the row that is currently selectd

[row]char to move the pen to See https://wikiti.brandonw.net/index.php?title=83Plus:RAM:86D8