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errors.c File Reference

Some simple ways to throw an error. More...

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Normal system errors, uses bjumps so this effectivly exists the program
#define SyntaxError()   bjump( _ErrSyntax )
 Raises a syntax error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define OverflowError()   bjump( _ErrOverflow )
 Raises an overflow error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define DivideByZeroError()   bjump( _ErrDivBy0 )
 Raises a divide-by-zero error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define SingularityError()   bjump( _ErrSingularMat )
 Raises a singularity error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define DomainError()   bjump( _ErrDomain )
 Raises a domain error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define IncrementError()   bjump( _ErrIncrement )
 Raises an increment error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define NonRealError()   bjump( _ErrNon_Real )
 Raises a non-real error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define DataTypeError()   bjump( _ErrDataType )
 Raises a data type error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define ArgumentError()   bjump( _ErrArgument )
 Raises an argument error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define DimensionMismatchError()   bjump( _ErrDimMismatch )
 Raises a dimension mismatch error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define DimensionError()   bjump( _ErrDimension )
 Raises a dimension error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define UndefinedError()   bjump( _ErrUndefined )
 Raises an undefined error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define MemoryError()   bjump( _ErrMemory )
 Raises a memory error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define InvalidError()   bjump( _ErrInvalid )
 Raises an invalid error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define BreakError()   bjump( _ErrBreak )
 Raises a break error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define StatError()   bjump( _ErrStat )
 Raises a stat error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define NoSignChangeError()   bjump( _ErrSignChange )
 Raises a no sign change error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define IterationsError()   bjump( _ErrIterations )
 Raises an iterations error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define BadGuessError()   bjump( _ErrBadGuess )
 Raises a bad guess error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define TolNotMetError()   bjump( _ErrTolTooSmall )
 Raises a tolerance not met error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define StatPlotError()   bjump( _ErrStatPlot )
 Raises a stat plot error and jumps to the error handling routine.
#define LinkError()   bjump( _ErrLinkXmit )
 Raises a link error and jumps to the error handling routine.


void CustomError (char *error_text) __naked __z88dk_callee
 Show the error screen with custom text.

Detailed Description

Some simple ways to throw an error.

Function Documentation

◆ CustomError()

void CustomError ( char * error_text)

Show the error screen with custom text.

[error_text]The error text to be displayed (LIMITED TO 11 in length)

This error uses a bcall so it should return